Tuesday, June 18, 2024



 Hi! On this blog we are going to learn what the TOEFL exam is and what are some of its benefits.

Lets start to asnwer this question: what does the word TOEFL stands for? TOEFL means “Test Of English as a Foreign Language”

What is TOEFL test?
 Is an international and standardize test that measure student`s mastery of the English language. It evaluates 3 areas of the English skills:
1.Listening comprehension.

2.Structure and written expression.

3. Reading comprehension. 

The TOEFL is one of the most used English proficiency tests in the world, and your score is used as a requirement to obtain academic degrees, carry out exchanges abroad, and even obtain Visas to visit some of the most important countries.

How is it classified?

TOEFL PRIMARY: Is for 6th grade`s students. It evaluates the listening and reading skills.

TOEFL JUNIOR: Is for 9th grade’s students. It evaluates listening comprehension, reading comprehension and language for and meaning. 

TOEFL ITP: Is for 11th grade’s students. It evaluates listening comprehension, reading comprehension as well as structure and written expressions.



Listening Skill

The Listening section measures the ability to understand spoken English from North America and other English-speaking countries. Students need to listen to lectures and conversations, understand what is being discuss and answer the questions correctly and quickly.

Tips when taking the TOEFL: Take into account that the stimated time for this section is about 5 minutes.

1. Listen for the main idea. 

2. Pay attention to the speaker`s tone of voice.

3. Take notes while you are listening.

4. Don`t take more than 2 minutes to answer a question.

5. Listen to how ideas are connected in the lecture.

6. If you don`t know the answer, do not give up.

Here you have a link where you can practice the listening part of the TOEFL. Don`t forget to follow the tips given above.

For extra practice click here!

Monday, June 17, 2024



Structure and written expression

This section is designed to measure the ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard written English. It tests the  knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.

Grammar is an area that many students find stressful because it can be fairly confusing and challenging, but this sectin is critical as this could mean the difference between a high and a low score. 

Tips when taking the TOEFL: 

1. Work on grammar and vocabulary.

2. Take timed practice tests.

3. Review and analyze mistakes.

4. Look for additional material. 

5. Stay motivared and positive.

Here you have a link where you can practice the structure and vocabulary part of the TOEFL. Don`t forget to follow the tips given above.

Structure Practice

For extra practice click here!


 Reading Skill

The reading section measures the ability to understand university-level academic texts and passages. On this part  students are expected to read and understand information from textbooks and other types of academic material.

Tips when taking the TOEFL: The stimated time for this section is about 55 minutes.

1. Find keywords and focus on them.

2. Practice reading with a timer.

3. Use skimming and scanning technique.

4. Learn academic vocabulary.

5. Be an active reader.

6. Practice, practice, practice.

Here you have a link where you can practice the reading part of the TOEFL. Don`t forget to follow the tips given above.

Reading Practice



For extra practice click here!


TOEFL Exam  Hi! On this blog we are going to learn what the TOEFL exam is and what are some of its benefits. Lets start to asnwer this quest...