Tuesday, June 18, 2024



 Hi! On this blog we are going to learn what the TOEFL exam is and what are some of its benefits.

Lets start to asnwer this question: what does the word TOEFL stands for? TOEFL means “Test Of English as a Foreign Language”

What is TOEFL test?
 Is an international and standardize test that measure student`s mastery of the English language. It evaluates 3 areas of the English skills:
1.Listening comprehension.

2.Structure and written expression.

3. Reading comprehension. 

The TOEFL is one of the most used English proficiency tests in the world, and your score is used as a requirement to obtain academic degrees, carry out exchanges abroad, and even obtain Visas to visit some of the most important countries.

How is it classified?

TOEFL PRIMARY: Is for 6th grade`s students. It evaluates the listening and reading skills.

TOEFL JUNIOR: Is for 9th grade’s students. It evaluates listening comprehension, reading comprehension and language for and meaning. 

TOEFL ITP: Is for 11th grade’s students. It evaluates listening comprehension, reading comprehension as well as structure and written expressions.

1 comment:


TOEFL Exam  Hi! On this blog we are going to learn what the TOEFL exam is and what are some of its benefits. Lets start to asnwer this quest...