Monday, June 17, 2024



Structure and written expression

This section is designed to measure the ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard written English. It tests the  knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.

Grammar is an area that many students find stressful because it can be fairly confusing and challenging, but this sectin is critical as this could mean the difference between a high and a low score. 

Tips when taking the TOEFL: 

1. Work on grammar and vocabulary.

2. Take timed practice tests.

3. Review and analyze mistakes.

4. Look for additional material. 

5. Stay motivared and positive.

Here you have a link where you can practice the structure and vocabulary part of the TOEFL. Don`t forget to follow the tips given above.

Structure Practice

For extra practice click here!

1 comment:

  1. Muy interesante y organizado su blog compañera. Tan importante que es aprender el idioma Inglés. Saludos!



TOEFL Exam  Hi! On this blog we are going to learn what the TOEFL exam is and what are some of its benefits. Lets start to asnwer this quest...